How to use this application

This web-based eArchiving Reference Architecture application has been built upon the html report generated from the original Archi model. Only the ArchiMate views are included in this version extended with introductory explanations, example scenario views, and element-level descriptions.

The screen is divided into four sections: menu, views, view-level description, elementwise description. Selecting a menu item leads to an introductory text or an ArchiMate view. If there is a general description belonging to the view (like with scenarios) it appears under the diagram. Selecting any of the elements on the view shows the description for that element under the menu section.

Dark/Light mode
You can switch between dark and light mode with the toggle switch at the right side of the top bar (near the EC logo).

Start Page
The Start Page is the landing page appearing on entering the application. It shows the application version number and provides useful links to the eArchiving Initiative page of the European Commission or the websites of the E-ARK Consortium.

Menu structure
The menu consists of three main parts. A set of getting started pages, the ArchiMate views, and a reference section. The getting started section contains useful background information as well as how-to-use guides. The views are organised into four groups: the core eArchiving Reference Architecture views, the additional example scenarios to these views and the views of the archiving by design approach and the eArchiving Capability Maturity Model. The Download area where you can find and download the Archi model or the Principles document can be found in the reference part. This part also contains the glossary and the release notes.

The views section presents the ArchiMate views belonging to the eArchiving Reference Architecture the additional example scenarios to these views and the views of the archiving by design approach and the eArchiving Capability Maturity Model.

Example busines scenarios and application component structures
Several business scenarios accompany the business layer views. These are real-world examples that intend to present the diagrams' usage and clarify eventual questions or misunderstandings using the model.The application layer was also extended with examples. These real-world examples include the application component structures of three national archives (Slovenian, Estonian and Finnish) and two open source long-term preservation solutions (ESSArch and RODA).

Download area
This area contains the Archi model of the reference architecture, as well as the Principles for Long-term Preservation of Information document.

In the Glossary, we explain the intended meaning of the most important or most ambiguous terms of the reference architecture.